
Saturday, April 11, 2020

poem to erin

she loves to smell an open field
fresh cut and full of flying fires
if stars too high she'll let them be
too far are they to take their heat
if fireflies then in a jar they'll be
the mayflies have had their day
she huddles in a furrowed nook
cleared of weeds and treaded down
by the farmer's cart or tractor turn
she listens to the summer sounds
from moon lit trees that surround
as anxious as a child with clowns
not knowing if to laugh or turn
reaching for the empty open hand
that closes covering quiet wounds
forgiveness, mercy, and solitude

she sights a tree far off on a hill
the last one left from years of till
it cuts the horizon to make a pair
a place for the herd to feel safe to share
while a storming summer thunder stirs
she wonders what's covered in the branches
clowns she wonders wearing happy faces
with sleight of hand perchance to catch one
will her firefly lantern perform some magic?
fashion nature to fit her imagination
to cage it, keep it, and take it home
a souvenir to fancy when she's alone
or used when the visiting muse
imposes her to pen a poem

o'er the crispy cuts of maiden grass
the dungarees she wears hold fast
they protect her pearlish slender legs
from nipping critters that scratch and slither
in a long sleeve sweater she braves the summer
she undrapes it first as the night gets warmer
the moon plays shy, her lone witness
as the firefly light bathes her eyes
like a candle grants shadow its due respect
what apparitions the harvest field begets
across the mowing wildness hidden
a cry is heard in the distance
the dead pay their fare to the living

she counts each firefly she sets free
feels the danger of the night's clarity
they return her favor as winking stars
suddenly all her clowns have smiles
they've wrested the bars for her escape
content the knot in soft embrace
bypasses the hand to darker spaces
she's spins firefly free across the landscape,
lifts her arms, sways in the current
the danger hidden in joy circumvented
circles and returns as if 'round a maypole
one last dance for one last maiden's race
a ritual performed never out of season
the holiest dance for the subtlest of motions

shadows move across the horizon
giants test the soft earth's forgiveness
a caravan of eastern white tail deer
one pauses to lift his horns to stare
they've caught her scent; off they go
to the raspberry thicket in the meadow below
the birds are singing an untuned orchestral
a prelude for lovers to build nests and rescue
their share of the seed dropped and spread
by the tines of the tiller 'cross timothy and fescue

she rests her head on a bent grass mound
her sweater and arm her pillow down
her lovers were never so provisional
to forage by night and light love's fever
she takes a deep breath; removes her sweater
she feels a chill that she regrets to remember
she wants to stay the night in the field
feel the wetness rise across the pasture
recant lost dreams that launched her tears
until the sun quiets the needeep chorus,
the doves coo their partners, and the crickets leap
deep beneath the fallow field of hay to sleep

the honesty of open space takes her breath
oneness compliments the grand expanse
she feels its width and length caress her face
a surprising gust of morning breeze
she owns her day by waking early
released by the canopy of hedgerow trees
drifts across the half lit greening plain
to the cart road that traverses the field
swirls, disappears, and echoes her name if calling her to a holy requiem

one more time she bows her head
writes the scripture yet unread
the lilies spin a cape above her head
protects her from fear and dread
tonight there is no circus tent
her clowns are sleeping in their beds
a warm blush rinses her neck and face
blessed to own her time in open space
she'll keep the promise to heal the wound
and free herself from phobic clowns
her hand crowns the concaving moon
full-bellied down on the arriving dawn
it moistens the honeysuckle bloom
its pistil head holds a sugar drop
clouds rush to sup the dew point out
purple flesh swims in shallow touch
the only movement left to watch
are the spare ticks of gravity's unending clock
the shadow of her pulsing body collapses
ruins amidst the grassy architecture
ankle, to knee, to loin, to waist
an answered prayer from a hallowed place
barefoot she steps from her sanctuary
matched only by the open field her beauty
a golden sunrise for a newfound journey

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