
Monday, May 4, 2020

Critique of Price's Essay

Critique of Price's Essay...10 Lies Teachers Tell You
Phonics vs. Whole Language

Here's a perfect example of the Nietzsche saying, “There is some truth even in the greatest lie.”

Here are Price's 10 lies:

This is a lie 1. Everything Is Hunky-Dory.  
Price is correct. 1/1. Education is far from perfect; far from where it was in 1965 when we switched from a content-centered curriculum to a student- centered curriculum.

This is true. 2. We Do Teach Phonics.  
Price is incorrect 1/2. Teachers still teach phonics. Schools and school districts might have a whole language philosophy but any teacher worth their salt doesn't give a fuck about what some administrator says when it comes to the best interest of their kids.

This is true. 3. No One Method Is Best.  
Price is incorrect. 1/3. See above #2.

This is a lie. 4. English Isn't Phonetic.
Price is correct 2/4. All languages are phonetic.  

This is a lie. 5. Word Calling Isn't Reading.
Price is correct. 3/5. There's a link between oral language and written language. To figure out what that link is you have to go way back, back before written language to the so called “oral traditions.”

This is true. 6. Your Child Isn't Ready.
Price is incorrect. 3/6. Some kids aren't ready.

This is true. 7. Your Child Is Disabled.
Price is incorrect. 3/7. Just as some kids aren't ready. Some kids have disabilities.

This is a lie. 8. It's the Parents' Fault. 
Price is correct and even if it were true in some cases, it's just too fatalistic for teachers to embrace. 4/8.

This is a lie. 9. Too Much TV.
Price is correct. TV might be the cause of kids reading less but it isn't the cause of kids not reading. The same with technology. 5/9.

This is a lie. 10. We Now Teach All Children.
Price is correct. 6/10. This is political slogan. This is an excuse for not closing the achievement gap between the haves and the have nots.


A Cuban In London said...

Interesting post. Education is one of those areas a lot of people have an opinion on but not many have any knowledge of. :-)

Greetings from London.

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