
Friday, April 3, 2020

the nude

let a nude in the morning
refract the light through a curtain
before my breakfast has cooled
and i count my first coffee spoon
a body will eclipse the room
 in color tones and spatial rhyming
the folds of flesh in celebration
skin the aguish plot and setting
an archetypal myth in dreaming
to dream a dream a gift so pure
the body the palace of the soul
fingers and hands melodious
backs and slides curvaceous
what a wonderful extraction
to hang like a man
or to cavern softly round
a woman’s frond of monsy
lips and stretching hips
oh please no distractions yet
do not repulse the delicate
no complaints of puerile stimulation
just reflect upon it for a minute
no red robes or eye-wise amulets
one more moment ‘fore the veil is fitted
only air needs now to adorn
what gold chain cannot improve upon
leave it alone and just respond
let the body sing its praise
to God the father mother made
let the breast and chest
and knee and spine
reflect the joy of all mankind
oh how reprimanded the body seems
when beauty rendered as obscene

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