
Monday, March 30, 2020

O' Lord… thou makest me safe in solitude

O' Lord…
how safe i feel in solitude
i fear and tremble beneath Your sword
You are no tame God to be ignored
no Zen master or meditative mantra
can temper the steel of my disobedient nature
only by Your cross may i overcome the world
as measure by measure Your love unfolds
i delude myself before the world
revealing myself before the Lord

O' Lord…
how safe i feel in solitude
in Your hands my sinful soul uncovered
only by suffering can suffering be conquered
in Your hands i heal and hence recover
Your words i lost then rediscovered
enlighten all i know and then discard it
all is vanity for the wizened wise
appearances appear in clever disguise
what man calls wisdom is just more decline

O' Lord…
how safe i feel in solitude
Your will be done for all my tomorrows
You are revealed in triumph and sorrows
You serve them both from the same plate
bitter or sweet, sour or grate
let the vise of Your love never separate
let it hold me tight at any cost
even when common sense makes no sense at all
meekly i pause and await Your call

O' Lord…
how safe i feel in solitude
prayer not words but deeper sighs
i am with You most in quietude
totally speechless by questions why
Emmanuel in me, no selfless denier
how deep a mine i must quarry
for the Spirit to reach my soul, and body
so deep that i am united still
by Your abundant love and blameless will

O' Lord…
how safe i feel in solitude
i am closer to You than ever before
i am a truant soul who has returned
converted yes but not yet reborn
i must go Your way as i relearn
a child's love of sorrowful penitence
that charms our hearts with feigned innocence
Yea, if i could remember the kindness of my youth
the love i wrought but as an adult forgot

O' Lord…
how safe i feel in solitude
in Your fortress island far remote
Your brick and mortar sustains my hope
a new man converted beyond rebuke
i am Your prisoner within horizon walls
who must forge his own prison bars
i look to You in all of my trials
to sit with me at all hostile tables
with an overflowing cup for enemies enabled

O' Lord…
how safe i feel in solitude
with You alone the road is sure afoot
the moral silence of Existential truth
the cause of nausea and loss of hope
one last breath as we knot the rope
one breached life or still born birth
the dogwood flower will bleed for earth
and the children will call their mothers lost

O' Lord…
how safe i feel in solitude
in church, the wood, the markets fair
each crossroad met You stand there
humbling me to the most ordinaire
amongst a crowd the Holy Spirit near
through me Your words i hope to share
reconciled with all who hear
what choice have i, my cross to bear?
the prize, a gift, a palm of tears

O' Lord…
how safe i feel in solitude
Your glory breaks through a drifting cloud
like water from a summer rain pours down
baptizing my resurrected body sound
where the tabernacle of the soul is found
broken bread You have made me whole
poured out wine my cup you've filled
listening in the darkness i am stilled
God's nature known is Christ our Lord

O' Lord…
how safe i feel in solitude
shadow trees sway round and round
the fall from grace clocks me down
i once thought my works profound
as the world invaded from all around
all my labor lost, my will unbound
what we think freedom, hungry hounds
yet in every secret hiding place i found
i heard Your voice, “You must come out.”

O' Lord…
how safe i feel in solitude
green grass from mud is grown anew
we come from that same dark ooze
born again we don't deserve
as the season changes to flowered spring
in desert climes from mountain streams
the buds burst, the mustard seeds
where they drop, the sparrow feeds
his song of praises for Your blessings

O' Lord...
how safe i feel in solitude
You take from me my temptation sins
sunspots in the eyes that tear and tease
but each time i fail You say, “Try again.
Do not By My grace you are thee.
Pray and fast then walk with Me.
from evil ye shall always flee.”
How foolish i to not believe
with such little faith You set me free.

O' Lord…
how safe i feel in solitude
Your cross, Your stripes, Your blood renews
the sweet scent of Your love, Your wounds
Your silhouette 'cross a Judean sky
in Your shadow the haunted cry
our blessings for You, our gratitude
we all must map our Jerusalem route
walk Your walk, share Your cross
share the agony of a father's loss

O' Lord…
how close to You in solitude
the less i have the more the good
enough is strength, too much escape
seduced by the world's cheapening grace
i shamed myself and buried my face
for the sake of kin and status trace
for the sake of friend and maddening race

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