
Sunday, August 30, 2020…/4-teens-including-juvenile-arreste…/

That four Blacks killed a White girl in Raleigh, NC got very little national attention in the media, is an example of the media, if not writing the narrative, then at least editing the narrative. When we don't here about stories like this, we tend not to have any sympathy for White people seeing Black people as always the victim of hate crimes. This is dangerous because it gives the impression to Blacks that somehow they themselves are immune from the curse of racism and that the BLM narrative has dominion over all certainty. Race supremacy occurs when one group doesn't believe that they are as fallen as another. Here's an example right from my backyard:

The other night we got together around my fire pit; a mixed race gathering. An early 40-something White woman said, "I wish White people could just think Black for a moment." I said, "That goes both ways." Immediately, without any regard for her audience, a Black woman said, "I wouldn't demean myself." "What an abrasive thing to say," I said. "Well, it might be abrasive but it's the way I feel," she said. The 40-something White woman asked, "Why is what she said abrasive, Rich?" All of the men were silent.  I said, "Because it implies that if you are White, you are  irredeemable."

As Nietzsche said beware that you might become what you hate:

Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.

This murder of a "White" girl happened two weeks ago. It never got beyond the local media outlet. The Networks select stories from around the country to go national. If the race of the victim and the perpetrators had been reversed, this story would have gotten international attention.

Oh, you say that this wasn't a racially motivated crime but rather a robbery gone bad. Or maybe because she knew her murderer, it was just a spat between friends. That only makes the Black who killed her fit the racist narrative as Blacks being more stereotypically violent. Why is it then when the roles are reversed the first assumption is that the crime is racially motivated? Because it fits the narrative.

When Tessa Majors, a White college freshman, was murdered by Black teenagers in NY last year, the media painted the picture that she deserved it because she was buying weed. When Megan Boken, a White basketball player, was murdered by Black teens in Chicago the media blamed her because she resisted. Some even blamed her for parking in the wrong place. 

The objective of the Left wing media (MSNBC, CNN) is to keep Black people pissed off. If they can continue to do that then the Left will solidify their base. The objective of the Right wing media (FOX) is to keep White people pissed off. If they can continue to do that then the Right will solidify their base.

In the end, both Left and Right want to scare all of us into believing that democracy doesn't work and that we can't live peacefully amongst one another without an iron fist over our heads. They want us to surrender our freedom by succumbing to the belief that the only form of government that can protect us from each other is an authoritarian form of government. This objective is common cause for both the Left and Right.

How do we break their grip? I really do not know. Is it too obnoxious to ask Whites to think Black for a second or is that some form of cultural appropriation? Is it too obnoxious to ask Blacks to think White for a second or is that too demeaning? Maybe we are too comfortable. Too much comfort can lead to great anxiety. Maybe we need to feel pain only for the reason that we know one day we might be relieved of it. Maybe that's a people we need something to look forward to.

Cancel culture has silenced us. Silenced our speech and muted our thinking. It appears that we must pick one road or the other as Frost would say. For me, I'll take neither road. I'll bushwhack my own path through the field and up and over the hill avoiding all the traffic.

The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference

Friday, August 28, 2020

Obama is scared and so am I

In the Atlantic on August 20th, Russell Berman said Obama looked scared. Barack Obama is scared and so am I. We are scared because Trump might win. We are scared because we wonder if this unabated violence is an accidental event that is making authoritarianism appear more palatable than democracy.

This presidential election should be an easy one just like 2016 should have been easy for Hillary. Trump might win in 2020 for the same reason Hillary lost in 2016. The Democrats forgot to invite someone to the party. White Men.

White men do not represent America but they are the marrow of America. They are hidden in the bone. Their most desired public credential is to be left alone. They go by names like working class, blue collar, or rural electorate. If White male voters choose law and order over democracy, Trump will be reelected. We only need to look at the 1972 Presidential Election. In spite of the medias haranguing of Nixon, the anti-war movement, and campus unrest, he won in the greatest landslide in history.

I was watching Hillary Clinton give a speech in either North or South Carolina in the summer of 2016. As she approached the crescendo of her speech, she mentioned every identity group in the political spectrum; all but one...White men. She didn't even use the metaphors for White men. It was in July and I figured that she would have lots of time and opportunity to be more inclusive but she never was.

I remember that her exclusion of White men from her speech bothered me but not that much. I can overlook a slight for the greater good. But what about those White guys in rural PA, Michigan, and Wisconsin who aren't as forgiving as I am; who don't have Black grandchildren and a Puerto Rican wife?

Hillary's oversight was the greatest blunder in American political history. Now, as I watch the Democrat convention and note the absence of White male faces and hear from some the celebration of that absence, I think the Democrats are making the same mistake as Hillary. There is a difference. Hillary's mistake was inadvertent due to overconfidence. This time the exclusion is against the backdrop of racial strife, disorder, and violence. Most importantly the exclusion is not inadvertent. The invitation was not lost in the mail. It was never posted.

Obama knows the dangers of identity politics. He was raised by White people. He knows how the slings and arrows can go both ways.

To be, or not to be, that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune...(Hamlet)

He knows how self-defeating Critical Race Theory can be when thrown around by ideologues like Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers who never have to bear the consequences of lost livelihoods and shuttered communities. He knows how close to the precipice this election could be when he hears pundits like Ana Navarro applaud the absence of white faces. He knows as he watches how unbridled youth out of excess of love, as Yeats would say, are changed utterly on the streets of Kenosha and he wonders as all of us do, “Who can bring an end to it?”

Obama's face is not the face of an optimist. His face is not a racial face; it is a human face. Yes, Christlike if caricatured. He is asking us to forgive the Romans so that the Temple can remain standing.

No matter how unappealing White men are to the base of the Democrat Party, the base must reach out to them even if the reach is inauthentic and ingenuine. Hypocrisy is a lesser evil than Trump and the cult of an authoritarian personality that would make what happened in Kenosha seem like a day at the State Fair.

If you wash the White man's feet now, you only need wash your hands of him after the election and by the way, the color doesn't come off.